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Skills Building

The main focus of every academy is skills building, because that will be able to lay the foundations for every
player. What we offer (no limited to) the following:
• Strength training
• Hand – eye coordination
• Stamina
• Fitness
• On field decision making
• Agility
• Game play techniques (Tactical and technical)
• Communication
• Position specific training
Our skills building offer all of the above, and more.

Mental Training

The game of rugby is just as much mental as it is physical, and the mental aspect of rugby is not coached
enough at school or club level. So all our students will receive mental coaching throughout the year to be
able to give them all the right tools for on and off the field.

Physical Training

Along with skills building comes physical training as well, each student will be taught in their specific area of
play (forward or back) and their positions, how to execute their position to the best of their abilities, from
scrummage, passing, breakdowns, to making contact. The execution determines whether the attacking team
will keep or lose the ball.

IRB Standards of coaching

Each training session will be in line with the standards of the International rugby board (IRB) and the South
African Rugby Union (SARU)
The IRB and SARU has standards that they want to be met at training sessions, and we will be compliant at
all times.

Training sessions that are fun & informative

Rugby is a game, a game needs to be fun, and that is what we do, we make rugby fun again, every player
would want to come back for more. All sessions will be active, safe, informative, and FUN! And with that, the
players will grow.

Return to play after injury

Our coaches can help students that has suffered injuries to be able to return to play gradually, we can assist
with the Gradual return to play program so that the player is ready when they return to the game, without
being at risk of suffering the same injury as soon as they get back on the field.

Consulting services

We offer consulting services to schools, assisting in matters such as getting your coaches the right
qualifications (If needed), helping build a brand for your school’s sport, player welfare, and even assisting
with coaching.

Player profile building

Each player that wants to go and play for a union, or play overseas needs to have a profile, we can assist
with building the profile, but keeping it up to date will be the responsibility of the players.

Full year training program

Our full year training program will offer the players the opportunity to grow and progress as the year
progresses, parents ad coaches will see the players have bettered their skills as the year goes on. Each
season will focus on different planning and strategies to accommodate the player’s needs at the time. Preseason,
in-season, and post-season, is the 3 “seasons” we will be working in.

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